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Procrastination for the Holidays!

It is that time of year again where we go crazy trying to find that "special" gift for the holiday gift exchange, the office party or the secret Santa party. The holiday season is a fun time of the year where we can take some time out to be thoughtful to the people around us. The problem for most people though is finding the time.

Every year we tell ourselves that "we won't wait until the last minute" or that "this year is going to be different", but it seems that each coming year disappears faster than the year before. Even with an entire month starting on Black Friday, Cyber Monday etc. we procrastinate. and procrastinate and procrastinate until the holiday party is a night away and we still have nothing for the gift exchange.

Usually at this point we pick up some meaningless gift and care less about it because "Why not, it's a secret exchange anyway, nobody will know I bought the crappy gift". We are all guilty of this. I envy the people who buy the cool gifts. Every holiday season there are at least three or four gifts going around that someone actually put effort into. They are the ones that everyone wants, but only a few get. I usually get stuck with some goofy junk, but I can't complain too much because I stuck someone else with some worthless thing too.

I vow that this year will be different. I have more than a month ahead of me and plan on getting my gifts early. I will find the "fun" one this year and I will make someone want to take it. Maybe if I am lucky, I won't get stuck with a lame gift if I actually pull this off. Time will tell. Tick, tick, tick...