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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

1. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions and Amendments

Each time you use or cause access to this website, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, as amended from time to time with or without notice to you. In addition, if you are using a particular service on or through this website, you will be subject to any rules or guidelines applicable to those services and they shall be incorporated by reference into these Terms and Conditions. Please see our Privacy Policy which is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by reference.

2. Our Service

Our website and services provided to you on and through our website on an "as is" basis. You agree that the owners of this website exclusively reserve the right and may, at any time and without notice and any liability to you, modify or discontinue this website and its services or delete the data you provide, whether temporarily or permanently. We shall have no responsibility or liability for the timeliness, deletion, failure to store, inaccuracy or improper delivery of any data or information.

3. Privacy Policy

Registration data and other personally identifiable information that we may collect is for use of Sala Graphics, Inc. only. We do not sell or give away any information on our customers whatsoever.

4. Registration and Password

You are responsible to maintain the confidentiality of your password and shall be responsible for all uses via your registration and/or login, whether authorized or unauthorized by you. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use or your registration, user account or password.

5. Limitation of Liability

You expressly understand and agree that we shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to: damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible loss (even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from or arising out of; (I) The use of or the inability to use the Service; (II) The cost to obtain substitute goods and/or services resulting from any transaction entered into on or through this Service; (III) Unauthorized access to or alteration of your data transmissions; (IV) Statements of conduct of any third party on the Service, or; (V) Any other matter relating to the Service. In some jurisdictions, it is not permitted to limit liability and therefore such limitations may not apply to you. Any products purchased from us are for use by your discretion only. We are not responsible for the use or misuse of any of our product line. Our products are in no way or form made for specific regulatory specifications whatsoever and must be used to your own judgment. Products are not made to any code regulations and/or regulatory rules. If you intend to use any products in such situations, you are doing so entirely at your own discretion. We are not responsible for any accidents, injuries or otherwise due to the use/misuse of our products. All products purchased via our website are for the sole discretion and use of the purchaser and not by Sala Graphics, Inc. If specific items are need for code and regulatory use, it is up to the purchaser to make sure that our product will conform to your specific use(s). We do not claim to offer any products that are for specific code and regulatory use, therefore any code issues, violations or any other liabilities are the sole responsibility of the purchaser and not Sala Graphics, Inc. If you have any questions concerning our products for code or other regulatory use, please contact us.

6. Reservation of Rights

We reserve all of our rights, including but not limited to any and all copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and any other proprietary right that we may have in our website, its content, and the goods and services that may be provided. The use of our rights and property requires our prior written consent. We are not providing you with any implied or express licenses or rights by making services available to you and you will have no rights to make any commercial uses of our website or service without our prior written consent.

7. Notification of Copyright Infringement

If you believe that your property has been used in any way that would be considered copyright infringement or a violation of your intellectual property rights, our copyright agent may be contacted here. The copyright holder must provide us with all of the following information:

(a) A signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright that is allegedly infringed.
(b) Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or is the subject of infringing activity and that should be removed or access to which should be disabled, with information to allow us to locate the material.
(c) Contact information for the person giving the notification, such as an address and telephone, and, if available, an email address at which such person may be contacted.
(d) A statement that the person giving the notification has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
(e) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that the person providing the notification is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright that is allegedly infringed.

(f) Please note that we do not and will not knowingly use any copyrighted or registered images and/or products without proper permissions. Any item that is brought to our attention will be will be immediately removed upon notification of such copyright.

(g) Please do not ask us to knowing create a copyrighted product because we do not and will not do so. If such a product is unknowingly created, it will be removed immediately upon notification of property/rights owner or acting representative.

8. Applicable Law

You agree that these Terms and Conditions and any dispute arising out of your use or misuse of this website or our products or services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with local laws where the headquarters of the owner of this website is located, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. By registering or using this website and service you consent and submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the county or city where the headquarters of the owner of this website is located.

9. Consent

By continuing to browse or otherwise accessing the website, you signal acceptance of the terms and disclaimer set out above. If you do not accept any of these terms, leave this website now. By logging into the site or using our store, you signal that you accept these Terms and Conditions in full.

10. Usage data

In the course of managing and optimizing stores, our website monitors the activity of sites to develop better selling techniques for our clients. This information resides on our servers and is never passed on to a third party and never used for marketing purposes. This information is held purely to provide statistical analysis and trace errors, in an effort to benefit our clients.

11. Refund Policy

Refunds will be made for any products returned to us within 21 days of purchase. Refunds will not be offered for any custom products.