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Workplace Signs

Hurricane Irma Power Outage at Signs by Sala Graphics

Due to hurricane Irma, we lost power last week. After 5 days without power, we were finally back up and running last Friday September 15th. Althoug...

Quote of the Day by Mark Twain

"Great people are those who make others feel that they too, can become great" Mark Twain
Great Review of Sala Graphics, Inc. on Ebay

Great Review of Sala Graphics, Inc. on Ebay
In the spirit of Turkey Day

In the spirit of Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving!

Beware of Fraudulent Sellers from China Offering Salagraphics Signs

Today we were informed that some of our products have been copied fraudulently and are being sold on auction sites under different sellers names st...

Help Make Your Neighborhood Safer for Children

Do cars use your neighborhood for a cut through? Are the posted speed limits abided by? Do children and pets play in areas where vehicles speed thr...

Procrastination for the Holidays!

It is that time of year again where we go crazy trying to find that "special" gift for the holiday gift exchange, the office party or the secret Sa...

Welcome to the New Year

Thank you for visiting our site. We have been online for over 14 years and upgrading our website for the new year. All of our signs will be listed ...